here an example of the increase of the dynamic touchweigh mesured on a keywith pianissimo touch
the original hammers are weighted and adapted in a smooth declining weightcurve
At my workshop in Ternat °2003 with David Stanwood
PTD certificat and logo
Click and watch David Stanwood on You Tube
- Beside all inertia differences most pianos play with an uneven dynamic touch because in most factories the 88 hammers are not corrected into a smooth decreasing weightcurve.
Total cost for a PTD analyse with the design will be 484,00 EUR Finishing the PTD will cost 2.662,00 EUR If a new capstan line is needed a supplement of 605,00 EUR will be charged
I include in this price: - Transport to my workshop and back - Full regulation of the action with correction of the keydip - PTD certificate and logo - Terms of delivery are around three weeks - Five years warranty on my PTD work
I use the Optimized Balancerail Washers ( OBW ) OBW change the pivot point of the keysand correct small final differences in ratio. More significant ratio change is done by moving the capstans.
Making a better ratio match with the weight of the 88 hammers:
When the pianist hits the key and catapults the hammer towards the string, he makes connection with the amount of inertia in the mechanism.This resistance of mass he feels increases with the acceleration of the hammer. When he plays soft this resistance is small, just above +/- 50 grf but, when playing more forté he will need considerably more force to overcome the increased touchweight.
First the pianist feels in his touch a brief contact moment of +/- 10 gr friction = the friction of the parts in the mechanism. Instantly afterwards he feels the inertia of the hammer and key in motion.
This inertia can differ considerably from piano to piano, because piano actions are produced with various combinations of ratios and hammer weight. There is currently no standard.
With PTD we choose the combinations which will produce an inertia the pianist can optimally control in his touch.After a PTD analysis of the transmission a correction is often necessary..
for pianists and techniciansWe all keep learning with your comments and questions, thank you for your important participation.
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Within my forty years of pianotuning I played and analysed many different pianos and could compare the same piano before and after a PTD calibration. Since 2003 I have been installing more than fifty PrecisionTouchDesigns on Steinway, Yamaha, Kawai, Bösendorfer, Bechstein, Blüthner, Ibach, Schimmel, Seiler and other brands. With this expertise I can easely claim that Precision Touch Design is often the best solution for upgrading to a more pleasant touch and tonegetting more value out of your piano.
ThefirststepisanalysingtheactionwiththePTD procedure,thiscanbedoneatyourhomeorat myworkshop.AfteranalysethePTDdesignwill be created and explained in detail with a chart.
DAVID STANWOOD INVENTED PTD FOR YOU Piano actions can now be analysed more in dept in order to know exactly how to be improved.
Precision Touch Design® is a registered trademark owned by Stanwood Piano Innovations Inc.
In their training pianists develop techniqual skills to be able to adapt to different piano touches. - Some pianos feel too light, they have a low inertiaand are difficult to master,this pianos play with you and put you way out of control.
- Other pianos have a high inertia,their hammers are too heavy and their keys are overloaded with leads.They react too slow, feel heavy, are exhausting and are a risk for injuries.
In their training pianists develop techniqual skills to be able to adapt to different piano touches. - Some pianos feel too light, they have a low inertiaand are difficult to master,this pianos play with you and put you way out of control.
- Other pianos have a high inertia,their hammers are too heavy and their keys are overloaded with leads.They react too slow, feel heavy, are exhausting and are a risk for injuries.
- Beside all inertia differences most pianos play with an uneven dynamic touch because in most factories the 88 hammers are not corrected into a smooth decreasing weightcurve.
DAVID STANWOOD INVENTED PTD FOR YOU Piano actions can now be analysed more in dept in order to know exactly how to be improved.
HOW DOES PTD EXACTLY CALIBRATE YOUR PIANO ACTION Aiming for a fast and even touch with more dynamic range in tone 1. PTD makes a small specific change in the weight (0.1 - 1.0 g) of the 88 hamers in your piano 2. PTD adapts the weight of the keysto mirror the new weight of the hammers 3. PTD analyses/ corrects the transmission ratio
new PTD keyweight curve
88 hammers
to mirror the weight curve of the 88 hammers
lead in the hammers
the original hammers are weighted and adapted in a smooth declining weightcurve
PTD changes the original leadweight in the 88 keys
new keyweightcalibrationpoint
here an example of the increase of the dynamic touchweigh mesured on a keywith pianissimo touch
up to
fforté touch
Making a better ratio match with the weight of the 88 hammers:
When the pianist hits the key and catapults the hammer towards the string, he makes connection with the amount of inertia in the mechanism.
This inertia can differ considerably from piano to piano, because piano actions are produced with various combinations of ratios and hammer weight. There is currently no standard.
This resistance of mass he feels increases with the acceleration of the hammer. When he plays soft this resistance is small, just above +/- 50 grf but, when playing more forté he will need considerably more force to overcome the increased touchweight.
First the pianist feels in his touch a brief contact moment of +/- 10 gr friction = the friction of the parts in the mechanism. Instantly afterwards he feels the inertia of the hammer and key in motion.
The PTD touch is great, please visit my workshop and try it out for yourselfWithin my forty years of pianotuning I played and analysed many different pianos and could compare the same piano before and after a PTD calibration. Since 2003 I have been installing more than fifty PrecisionTouchDesigns on Steinway, Yamaha, Kawai, Bösendorfer, Bechstein, Blüthner, Ibach, Schimmel, Seiler and other brands.With this expertise I can easely claim that Precision Touch Design is often the best solution for upgrading to a more pleasant touch and tonegetting more value out of your piano.
I use the Optimized Balancerail Washers ( OBW ) OBW change the pivot point of the keysand correct small final differences in ratio. More significant ratio change is done by moving the capstans.
At my workshop in Ternat °2003 with David Stanwood
PTD n° 471 analyse with completed design
PRICE AND PROCEDUREThefirststepisanalysingtheactionwiththe PTDprocedure,thiscanbedoneatyour homeoratmyworkshop.Afteranalysethe PTDdesignwillbecreatedandexplainedin detailwithachart.TotalcostforaPTD analyse with the design will be 484,00 EUR Finishing the PTD will cost 2.662,00 EUR Ichargeasupplementof605,00EURifanewcapstanlineisneeded.Iincludein thispricesthe transporttomyworkshop andbackandthefullregulationofthe actionwithkeydipcorrection.Termsof deliveryarearoundthreeweeks.Fiveyears warranty on my PTD work.
With PTD we choose the combinations which will produce an inertia the pianist can optimally control in his touch.After a PTD analysis of the transmission a correction is often necessary..
DAVID STANWOOD INVENTED PTD FOR YOU Piano actions can now be analysed more in dept in order to know exactly how to be improved.
In their training pianists develop techniqual skills to be able to adapt to different piano touches - Some pianos feel too light, they have a low inertiaand are difficult to master,this pianos play with you and put you way out of control
- Other pianos have a high inertia,their hammers are too heavy and their keys are overloaded with leads.They react too slow, feel heavy, are exhausting and are a risk for injuries.
- Beside all inertia differences most pianos play with an uneven dynamic touch because in most factories the 88 hammers are not corrected into a smooth decreasing weightcurve.
HOW DOES PTD EXACTLY CALIBRATE YOUR PIANO ACTIONAiming for a fast and even touch with more dynamic range in tone 1. PTD makes a small specific change in the weight (0.1 - 1.0 g) of the 88 hamers in your piano 2. PTD adapts the weight of the keys to mirror the new weight of the hammers 3. PTD analyses/ corrects the transmission ratio
Here an example of the increase of the dynamic touchweigh mesured on a keywith pianissimo touchfforté touch
new PTD keyweight curve
88 hammers
to mirror the weight curve of the 88 hammers
lead in the hammers
Making a better ratio match with the weight of the 88 hammers:
When the pianist hits the key and catapults the hammer towards the string, he makes connection with the amount of inertia in the mechanism.
This inertia can differ considerably from piano to piano, because piano actions are produced with various combinations of ratios and hammer weight. There is currently no standard.
up to
the original hammers are weighted and adapted in a smooth declining weightcurve
PTD changes the original leadweight in the 88 keys
new keyweightcalibrationpoint
This resistance of mass he feels increases with the acceleration of the hammer. When he plays soft this resistance is small, just above +/- 50 grf but, when playing more forté he will need considerably more force to overcome the increased touchweight.
First the pianist feels in his touch a brief contact moment of +/- 10 gr friction = the friction of the parts in the mechanism. Instantly afterwards he feels the inertia of the hammer and key in motion.
With PTD we choose the combinations which will produce an inertia the pianist can optimally control in his touch.After a PTD analysis of the transmission a correction is often necessary..
I use the Optimized Balancerail Washers ( OBW ) OBW change the pivot point of the keysand correct small final differences in ratio. More significant ratio change is done by moving the capstans.
new capstanlinesfor white and black keys
The PTD touch is great, please visit my workshop and try it out for yourselfWithin my forty years of pianotuning I played and analysed many different pianos and could compare the same piano before and after a PTD calibration. Since 2003 I have been installing more than fifty PrecisionTouchDesigns on Steinway, Yamaha, Kawai, Bösendorfer, Bechstein, Blüthner, Ibach, Schimmel, Seiler and other brands.With this expertise I can easely claim that Precision Touch Design is often the best solution for upgrading to a more pleasant touch and tonegetting more value out of your piano.
At my workshop in Ternat °2003 with David Stanwood
PTD n° 471 analyse with completed design
Thefirststepisanalysingtheactionwiththe PTDprocedure,thiscanbedoneatyour homeoratmyworkshop.Afteranalysethe PTDdesignwillbecreatedandexplainedin detailwithachart.TotalcostforaPTD analyse with the design will be 484,00 EUR Finishing the PTD will cost 2.662,00 EUR Ichargeasupplementof605,00EURifanewcapstanlineisneeded.Iincludein thispricesthe transporttomyworkshop andbackandthefullregulationofthe actionwithkeydipcorrection.Termsof deliveryarearoundthreeweeks.Fiveyears warranty on my PTD work.